MBA Law: What You Need to Know About This Medical Debt Collector

If you have outstanding medical bills, you may have encountered a debt collection agency called The Law Offices of Mitchell D. Bluhm and Associates, more commonly known as MBA Law. MBA Law specializes in collecting medical debt, and they have a reputation for being assertive in their tactics. In this blog post, we’ll break down what MBA Law is, how they work, and your rights when dealing with them.

Understanding MBA Law

  • Not your average debt collector: Unlike many debt collection agencies, MBA Law is a law firm. They represent third-party creditors who buy medical debt from the original healthcare providers.
  • Medical debt specialists: MBA Law focuses almost exclusively on recovering unpaid medical debt.
  • Legal leverage: As a law firm, MBA Law has the potential to take more aggressive legal action, such as filing lawsuits, compared to a standard collection agency.

How Does MBA Law Operate?

  1. Purchasing Debt: MBA Law often buys medical debts in bulk from healthcare providers at a reduced price.
  2. Contacting the Debtor: They will contact you, usually via letters and phone calls, to demand payment of the debt.
  3. Negotiation: MBA Law may be willing to negotiate payment plans or even settle the debt for less than the full amount owed.
  4. Potential Lawsuits: If negotiations fail, MBA Law could choose to escalate matters by filing a lawsuit against you.

Your Rights When Dealing with MBA Law

  • Right to Validate the Debt: You have the right to request written validation of the debt. MBA Law must provide evidence proving that you owe the money and that they have the authority to collect it.
  • Right to Dispute: You can dispute the debt if you believe it’s inaccurate, you’ve already paid it, or it’s too old to collect.
  • Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA): Debt collectors like MBA Law must adhere to the FDCPA, which prohibits harassment, threats, and deceptive practices.

Tips for Managing Debt with MBA Law

  • Don’t ignore them: Ignoring the situation will not make the debt disappear, and it could lead to more serious consequences.
  • Communicate: If you cannot pay the full amount at once, try to negotiate with MBA Law. Be upfront about your financial situation.
  • Know your budget: Clearly understand how much you can realistically afford to pay towards the debt each month.
  • Get it in writing: If you reach an agreement with MBA Law, ensure you get all the details in writing for future reference.
  • Seek professional help: If you feel overwhelmed, consider seeking guidance from a credit counselor or consumer debt attorney.

Final Thoughts

Dealing with debt collectors like MBA Law can be stressful. Remember, you have rights and options. Don’t be afraid to assert your rights to debt validation and fair treatment. If you’re struggling, exploring professional help from a reputable counselor or attorney can provide clarity and valuable support.

Please note: This blog post provides general information and does not constitute legal advice. If you’re facing debt collection from MBA Law, it’s wise to consult a qualified legal professional for advice specific to your situation.

Let me know if you would like me to refine this further or address any other specific aspects of MBA Law!


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